No auction sales may be held on the property. There is a community garage sale organized in June each year. Individual unit owners may hold individual garage sales; however, such sales must be restricted to dates between May and September.
No signs, advertisements or notices may be affixed or placed on any part of the inside or outside of the buildings or common elements whatsoever without prior written consent of the Board, other than the usual signs for offering a unit for sale or rent, or election signs. Real estate sign dimensions must not exceed .68 meters by 1 meter. Election signs should not exceed .50 meters by .60 meters. Such election signs may be placed in private-use areas only and must be placed so that the signs do not obstruct pedestrian traffic or grass-cutting / snow-removal work. Signs must be removed immediately following the election.
At no time are signs to be staked or attached to the common elements (lamp posts, lawns, buildings, fences etc.). You may request permission to post notices in the glass case at the pool house or you may ask that a lost and found notice be placed in the newsletter.
Nothing may be placed on the exterior of window sills or projections. No awning, shade or shutters may be erected over or outside the windows, doors, porch or exclusive-use area without the prior written consent of the Board.