Trash Talk
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
Garbage cans are now mandatory. Please be aware of the following and refer to the links on this page:
Recycling food waste
Residents who do not have garden sheds or garages will need to protect their garbage from invasion by wildlife and pets. Rinse meat trays and refrain from placing meat leftovers in garbage cans and you can avoid problems with maggots. Lining your garbage can with a heavy-duty plastic bag may reduce pests. A successful idea at keeping squirrels away from your garbage can is to attach a mesh bag containing dog or cat hair.
Reducing garbage by improved recycling with green bin use – the best defence is to recycle and to use your green bin for every bit of food waste. During the warm weather especially, stash discarded meat products in your freezer and add them to the green bin the night before garbage collection. Cleaning with a hose, some soap and vinegar also helps prevent maggots. Green bins can be lined with bags, newspapers and yard clippings to help keep them cleaner and prevent freezing in winter. Keeping your bin clean
Some residents may find using liners will help keep their bins neat, or prevent contents from freezing to the bin during winter.
Warm weather tips:
City of Ottawa: garbage and recycling schedule
The weekly pickup of garbage has ended. Why not sign up for City of Ottawa reminders about garbage collection? Click on Create a reminder,
and choose the option that works for you. For practical tips and information, check out the City of Ottawa website under Garbage and Recycling. You can then put into action any strategies that you need to use to make this transition go smoothly for yourself and the community. Topics include: Green Bin and Leaf and Yard Waste; Recycling; Collection Calendar; Waste Explorer; Upcoming Household Hazardous Waste Depots, to name a few. Please don't...
Placing garbage, yard waste or remains from a house or yard clean-up out at the curb many days before the actual garbage day, sends an open invitation to animals and vandals.
Please respect where you live and this neighbourhood. Store your clean-up items in your yard, your garbage in a secure storage area and place these items at the curb at the appropriate time. On that note, THANK YOU to residents who go above and beyond or clean up garbage spill-overs! Please do...